Before founding Ride True ADV, Gionata Nencini traveled the world alone for 13 years, 400,000 km in 70 countries, creating a community of loyalists who follow him on his travels and who since 2011, meet at an event called Moto Tendata. The 14-16 June 2019 is the 11th edition of a FREE event, open to...Read More
Before funding Ride True ADV, Gionata Nencini rode the world solo for 13 years, 400.00 km and 70 countries, creating a community of followers that, since 2011, meets at Moto Camp. This 9th edition will take place from the 15th to the 17th of June and will be a FREE event, accessible by EVERY type...Read More
Another wonderful night of authentic passion for motorcycle travel, thanks to the BMW Motorrad Club Brescia, all the staff and the President that hosted us in a truly exclusive location!Read More
It has been a wonderful night of authentic passion for motorcycle touring, we are proud to have shared it with the beautiful town of Neviano degli Arduini, reunited around our tour leader and founder Gionata Nencini: 400.000 km, 70 Countries, 4 continents and 13 years of experience gathered in one night.Read More
We report to all MOTOCICLISMO readers that, in the April's magazine, there is a special article of 14 pages (page 198-212) on our Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego motorbike tour.Read More
This year, for the very first time, we will be present at the new Padua Itinerando Show: pavilion 1 – stand F 188, from 9 to 11 February, the Italian fair dedicated to travelers of all sorts!Read More
The affection and the passion that you have shown us have exceeded all expectations: a heartfelt thanks to everyone for coming to visit us and we hope to travel with you soon!Read More
When you book with an account, you will be able to track your payment status, track the confirmation and you can also rate the tour after you finished the tour.